Thursday, December 18, 2008

Winter training ...or the I need to move to Florida post.

"What's the worst they could do to us send us to Siberia? We're already here."
-some movie.

Well upon looking at the weather forecast for the next couple of days maybe I should have signed up for the world biathlon ( you know XC sking and shooting) championships instead of an Ironman.For some God forsaken reason we are going to get a foot of snow dumped on us or at least that's what the doom and gloom weathermen are saying..then again these guys change their story every 10 minutes...10 inches no 12 5 no 10 again...seriously these guys snowfall tabulations flux more than my 401k....

anyhoo it's safe to assume that unless these guys prove to be completely full of crap that my masters workout is going to be canceled. Already did my backup this evening.I managed to get a 4000 yard swim in my main set was 20x100 on 1:25...
I was barely making them so my butt is definitely more out of shape, than I was last year granted my courses were more demanding than last year. I plan on a beat the blizzard run tomorrow morning and then nothing but sweet sweet love for the trainer tomorrow night. figure a 3 hour session to the tone of Rocky, Rocky IV, and Miracle are in order, If I can stomach 4 hours I might go for it, but spinning in place gets so boring.
Saturday, depending on how long the white stuff delays my buddy from Nashville, the boys are making are the annual let's celebrate X-mas/ Angry's birthday trip to the casino...I'm hoping for mad winnings...a frist class ticket to Taupo would be car paid off even better...There will be much sin and debauchery as always. Hopefully the weather will clear up and I'll be able to get a quick pre work run in. Next week Christmas looks like the only good day for a run granted if it's decent Tuesday I might try for one. Next weekend hopefully this weather pattern will clear up and I'll have some cold yet dry road conditions to try to get 60-80 miles ( figure if I can get back up to that by mid Jan.and a frigid century I'll be in business.) in...but a guy can dream can't he....

Claire when are you moving to San Diego I'll be your box...I mean van....I mean roomate.

Not a fan of Artic weather....

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