Saturday, December 13, 2008
This weekend: The training for NZ begins in earnest
Work till 12:30PM
10 mile run...if the roads co-operate, we had a massive rain storm 2 days ago and last night everything froze over, today is not supposed to get above 30F (-1C) so the roads are going to be icy and treacherous, but hopefully not.
Hawaii Ironman Highlight show.
Finish Papers.
2 hours on the trainer.
In the words of the Commodores: "A brickhouse."
Hopefully a 50-60 mile ride and a 7 mile run. Maybe some pre-church deadlifts.
This is all what I hope to do but we all know life throws curve balls. I look to take full advantage of my trainer over break, maybe some pre and post work spin sessions and hardcore focus on the bike. It's been my weakness for several years hopefully if I work hard enough I can make it a strength...because I really want a sub-6 Ironman bike split this year. the running I'm not worried except for last week 've been averaging 20-30 miles per week, and about 9000 yards in the pool per week. The swim is the least of my worries, although I'd like to be in the top 25 out of the water. To have a remote shot at Kona I need a faster bike split so that's what I'm going to drill this year. Hard Swim, Balls to the Wall bike ,and run until my legs fall off. While not as far as long as I was last year I did manage to build a lot of base over the summer. So winter break will be spent trying to get myself as fast as humanly possible, and this year I will be taking a tip from the Angry Runner and work the chain, with deadlifts, the arms with push ups and pullups and essentially get my scrawny ass it to bitch stomping shape...I guess the easy days are over because as of 8PM last night I'm officially in training.
Getting intouch with his inner Balboa.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Help a sister out.
Edit: Claire made her goal!
For more info check out her blog and to donate click here
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The zone...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
I' m Entered!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I'm not dead...
The suspense of which Ironman to pick will also come to it's conclusion this Thursday when I fork over my entry fee lets just say I'm fully braced for the Litany of "You're Nuts" ( I guess I am what I eat.), "You're Crazy", "You're Muy Loco", " Bobby I'm getting you a straight jacket for Christmas this year." Sadly this rules out a blogger reunion beating up Mickey... so to those of you rocking Disney I salute you.
Mother Nature is not helping my training plan at the moment but at least I have the trainer and a massive dvd collection. Anyone with any Tour de France tapes, or dvd's that's not using them feel free to send them my way,I will also take spinervals dvds. I have 6 months of base work going for me..well at least on the run and the I will devote more time on the stomper, with the Jeff Goldblum mantra of "Must go faster, must go faster..." playing in my head...hmmm spinning to Jurassic Park...might be motivating. Also I'll be riding up at Quassy and Waramaug when ever the weather/ road conditions permit...ahh I can feel my toes going numb already...anyone else want in?
Running in the cold, already know how to do that thank you very much, along as it isn't icy it's all good. Also my tolerance for Cold has built up on the running side it used to be if it was below 20F (-6C)I'd call it a day, now if it's in single digits 9F(-12C) I might debate the treadmill. Cycling I'm still gonna stay at the 30F mark, figure riding in anything colder than that is begging for trouble.
Well that's it for me I still have to crank out some goodness and insert some notes.
Java Jiving