Thursday, June 5, 2008

T minus 48 hours.

Well It's 48 hours and counting until I pack up the Subaru grab my trusty transition caddy, and blaze through 6 states for a date with the Eagleman 70.3. Now two things definitely have my confidence high going into this thing. First they're paying Amateurs a swim prime. I've looked at splits psyched myself up, I feel confident that I could be in contention for it. The second are the familiar growns of faster athletes in my age group, complaining about heat, humidity, having to bring extra salt tablets. I've been on semi taper for this race so I feel like my bike and run will be solid. I haven't trained with as much intensity as I did last year on the bike , but I definitely have more mileage under my belt, so lasting the 56 miles will be cake, I know that I should be able to average at least 18mph, depending on wind, and if humidity is taking its toll on my competition I should be able to make my move on the run and gain some time. I did a 15 mile death march last week in severe humidity so I know I can do 13.1 in at least 1:45, granted some guys are pulling 1:20's. So this is it on Sundayat 7:00AM my 2008 season officially begins. If I qualify for Kona it means I was the perfect combo of lucky and good, so I better buy a few lotto tickets. But as long as I can at least top 10 the age group it was a good day, If I top 5 it was a great day, and if I podium I will be able to go pro one day. Well those are my ramblings of the morning



Bjorn Boyer said...

Good luck! Wish I could do it with you but my cramp from the race in Switzerland hasn't gone away yet. I played some tennis today. Feeling good to attack a new goal (sub 5h)...good luck again. kick some ass

rocketpants said...

good luck! I hope your day goes smoothly. eat lots of salt