Thursday, January 1, 2009

Goodbye Blogosphere....

Well after years of consideration and months of discernment I have decided to enter a Benedictine Monastery. So I'm selling off all my earthly possessions, shaving my head, taking vows of poverty, Chastity and obedience, and locking myself away in a the Abbey of St. Michael the Archangel in Pine Ridge, WA. I-pods and CD players are not allowed so my heavy metal play list will be replaced by Latin chant...and heavy meditation and theological studies. The Abbey is also under a strict "No Girls Allowed" Fr. Rod put it. Essentially Novices are only allowed to communicate with female relatives during their first two years. Emails are strictly monitored and any glance, or communication at a non-related woman that is considered suspect by the Father Superior in punishable by 10 lashes and 10 decades of the rosary for an increase in vocations. These guys do not mess around. I have decided to take the name Father Ignatius Joseph and will hopefully be ordained in the next decade. So that is it for has been a wonderful run. If any of you would like to join me on my spritual journey or would like to free your soul from this overly material world you can contact Fr. Rod Limpus at his email .
Good Luck and God Bless
I.J. ...formerly R.D.

April Fools!!!!! Also nothing against the Benedictines or anyone considering the priesthood or religious life...indeed more power to you.

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