Thursday, July 12, 2007

Help I'm a Tri adict!

Well last night after checking my emails, I found out that Bjoern (founder of CENTRI (Central Connecticut State University Tri Club) was doing one of the $15 Lake Terramuggus Series Sprints. Being the good teammate/treasurer/co-founder I decided to go put to Marlborough and show my support. As I got into my car I realized "Hey I've done a half iron, I really didn't get in my workout today, fuck it I'm going to do this thing." After packing all my tri essentials and taking my life into great peril merging from 91 onto route 2 I arrived in Marlborough and forked over a $20 entry fee ( they jacked the price up to pay for state cops because some guys were starting to treat the bike leg like the Tour) I met up with one of the central girls swimmers (Heather) who was doing this race as her first tri. I inflated the tires on her mountain bike, gave some of the usual advice I give some of my fellow athletes (on the swim go wide and cut in, have fun on the bike bring it home on the run, the usual) I met up with Bjoern and Anthony, bumped into Christano from HEAT ( seriously I think I 'll do Placid to have an excuse to taper for the Griskus next year) and after a massive CCSU and Sunoco masters reunion it was time to settle down for the swim.
The swim: 400 yards : to wet suit or not to wet suit?
Well as we prepped for the swim I was caught in a dilemma should I wet suit on such a hot sunny afternoon as this or go in just the tri suit. Going sans wet suit did sound tempting and after looking at some of the other swimmers who were going without, I realized that just for good show it might be worth using the wetsuit, so once again I slipped into my heavy neoprene beast to unleash hell upon the masses in the swim. The race had only 100 to 150 competitors so we did it mass start. I did my usual start wide and cut in and at the turn found my self in hot pursiut of the lead break of five swimmers and in a virtual no mans land, they were about 25 yards ahead and everyone else was about 25 yards behind. I exited the water in my trade mark 6th position and proceeded to transition. Heather was already at T1 and was trying to figure out how to leave. In one of the most unique moves I've ever seen she ducked under the bar and pushed her bike out. I put on my bike shoes as usual and un racked my bike and pushed it out.

The Bike : please stay in single file this is not a USAT points race.
Now the bike for the most part was a hammer fest. there were a couple of sharp turns but nothing really too tough. The only thing that kept ringing in my ears were the warnings at the pre race Don't be Lance Armstong, Don't pass on the coned corners, and if you must pass you can only go two abreast. Well with my unfamilarity of the course and my uncertainty on the passing regulations My first loop was sort of a waste. A lot of the race regualrs flew by (including Bjoern who gave me a friendly tap on the shoulder as he flew by ), as I tried to learn the turns. The second loop proved to be much faster as I was able to regain about three of the 20 or so positions I had lost in my first go round. All in all it wasn't bad 38 min. for 11 miles according to my handy sigma bike computer.

The Run: Macca time!
If Chris Mc Cormack had Normann Stadler, then tonight Bjoern was my Stadler, he completely schooled me on the bike and it was time for me to turnout some pure napalm on the run. After nearly heading down the wrong trail exiting T-2 . I settled into a pace using a high school XC hot shot as my leadout man. After about a mile and a half said XC hot shot opened up about a 200 meter advantage( note I judge my running in meters because when I ran track we used meters but in swimming we used yards ain't America great!) Meanwhile we went along picking off bunches of runners continuing to turn up the tempo to the very limit of bearable . Each runner wearing a blue and white tri suit was a target, each one might be Bjoern ( unknown to me he had about a 6 min. lead form the bike to which all I can say is damn son!) As I sprinted down the finishing chute there was Bjoern waiting for me digital camera focusing in on my finish. After a quick glance down to my wrist watch my run split was 20:29 over a minute faster than my time the night before. Upon talking to Bjoern I found out that he had come in just over an hour barely missing that elusive 60 min. mark. Anthony came in about an 1:10 and Heather came in at about 1:20 , barely breaking a sweat exclaiming "I'm not even tired I just can't get my legs to move faster." So all in all it was a good night for CenTri. As as for Christano he won overall , showing that the duel between him and Ken Schultz at Placid is going to be epic.
So all in all here's the recap of two races in 48 hours:
Griskus Sprint: 1/2 mile swim, 10.5 mile bike, 3.2 mile run
Commute time: 20 min.
Team Affliation: Angry Team/ CenTri/ unofficial member of HEAT ( damn it I need to sign up)
Race time: 1:11.10
Race result: 51st overall, 4th in class
Hamburgers consumed:1
Soaked Gear: 2 towels, 1 t-shirt, 1 pair running shorts, 1 pair socks, 1 Pair cycling shoes, 1 pair racing flats, 1 tri suit, 1 transition mat, 1 bike helmet, 1 Marin Portofino racing bike, 1 pair sweedish goggles, 1 wet suit.

Terramuggus Sprint: 400 yard swim, 11 mile bike, 3.1 mile run
Commute time: (including the hour I was photocopying a trainning plan to pass on to Bjoern) 2hours 20 min.
Team Affliation: CenTri/ditto on Heat as mentioned above.
Race Time: 1:06
Race Result: 53rd overall
Hamburgers Consumed: 2 from Wendy's in Southington on the drive home.
Soaked gear: 1 wet suit, 1 tri suit, 1 pair cycling shoes, 1 towel, 1 pair sweedish goggles.

1 comment:

Angry Runner said...

I should be at the next one if my schedule permits, which it should. Be prepared to get Stadlered on the Bike.