Monday, December 17, 2007

What ever happened to all those global warming psychos....

This morning when I checked the weather on CBS Wfsb 3 I was greeted by Scott Haney's lovely voice saying it was a balmy 18 degrees out....I rolled over and went back to sleep upon seeing my sister's school was delayed 90 min. ...meaning I didn't have to drive the car pool in. As I left my house at 8:40 to begin deciding my car for the trip into work...once again I heard the flamboyant weather man shriek with glee saying the that the temperature hadn't risen since 5am......I seriously hate winter lovers. I spent close to twenty minutes scraping ice off the car as the heater did the rest. Rolled into the office about 5 min. late. Seriously I think a warmer climate is in order for this aspiring sister an I have already started talking Arizona, maybe Cali...San Diego looks really nice. My pop in order to help me avoid winter depression, and perchance to keep my butt frozen solid in the north east...suggest a rather appealin business op...a triathlon gym. You know a place with an indoor track, spin machines or velodrome, indoor pool, pro shop, weight and massage center. I actually like the idea and think it would probably be a money maker especially here in the great white the sad thing is for most New England/Mid Atlantic/Great Plains athletes Winter is the off season..a time to cram in long swims in the pool, spin a little, run a little, get in tune with the weight room, build up a gut, sample beer for next year's HEAT tents, train for a marathon,...etc.
Well that was my morning rant.

The tyrannt of the trainer


Speed Racer said...

Yeah! What ever DID happen to global warming? Now that Al Gore has his Nobel Prize he's called off the dogs.

I hate this!

rocketpants said...

Hang in there...hopefully some day soon your toes will thaw out.

I have found that moving to San Diego after living in MA for five years has been a pretty decent way to go. I appreciate their idea of 'cold' a lot more and tend to laugh at them frequently when they say it is COLD. I know my blood will thin with time, but in the meantime I just want to tell people to put more layers on and suck it up when they complain that it is 'cold'. Also a HUGE tri-community.