Friday, March 28, 2008

2 Days without exercise make Bob ....


yes that's right the unthinkable has happened I have spent the last two days with late nights on the web and in the library, and no yards in the pool or miles on the road. This weekend a book review will be taking up most of my time along with some BS questions for my 200 level Europe class. Today I file for Financial Aid so the Feds can continue to pay for my suffering/education/ hopefully earning that sheet of paper, that says I'm worth more than $15,000 a year. ( the degree is worth it.. has become my mantra, especially on those days where I want to toss my laptop out a window, curl into the fetal postion and cry because its all becoming too much. I have four professors trying to compete for my limited time and resources, I am only one man damn it!) as well as more research, some pool time may eek itself out somewhere, somehow.

Tomorrow, continues my quest for sources, that damned book review ( hint the author is not getting many props.) and (gasp) a run .....

What I have found out from my research so far....I'm glad I live in the 21st century, because the 19th century idea of surgery was just plain brutal. Seriously, our butchers today, are more sanitary than the doctors were then....even Lord Joseph Lister didn't wash his hands between operations until 1868, and Liston, one of surgery's pioneers actually held a knife between his teeth when he was sawing a femur during an was no small shock that the patient died of gangrene. Seriously I'm not making this crap up, going for an operation in the 1800's was like entering the little shop of horrors....and recovery well, that let just say docs could've of had a profitable business betting on if you were going to make it.

ok random crap done. Since I was on the note of medical progress Please Donate to Claire's AIDS ride....

Ok post Done


Angry Runner said...

sniff,sniff,tear...your post brings back wonderful memories of my younger years when I would study and write papers all night and then drive to ECSU to see a gal named 'katherine' at 2am, only to return at 5 to find myself parking a mile away from the dorm...only to get up for an 8am business law exam (which I aced,btw). Damn you and your college life, comrade Bob-O! you will miss it when you have that piece of coveted paper, my friend. The life...................sniff,sniff,tear.

rocketpants said...

It is stressful at the time, you'll get through it and then look back and miss it in someway. Hang in there.

Unknown said...

2 days! Dude! Wait 6-8 months and then maybe you can claim lazy. In all seriousness, keep up the good work with school.