Friday, April 11, 2008

I just felt like run-ning...

Alright for the last two weeks everyone has heard me bitch and moan about my freaking History paper....(boo-hoo boo de f**kin hoo- I have to spend all Saturday in the libray....) well this week since I've handed in a sheet of about 90 percent of my sources and will be starting my first draft, I decided to award myself and get my self out of my fat and lazy funk I started doubles again and today did my first double since I graced the streets of Taupo. First on tap for tonight was a 7-8 mile run ( I going to guess 7.75 miles, aprox. 12.4 k). Well let's just say I left work in a callous " I don't give a flying f**k. I'm running." attitude. I came home threw on my running crap , said I'll be back to my sister who was just walking in the door from RI expecting a hug or something. I just sort of blew by her leaving her with this dazed look on her I began my usual hell-ish circut of Wolcott. Everything went well for the first mile, until I had to cross Wolcott Rd. Then this teenage dousche bag shouted out the window " F**k you moron!" after I had crossed in front of him. Now if I had darted and he only was say 10 feet away, fine, that's justifiable, but moron in his mama's PT crusier was half way up the road...this was not helping my already pleasant disposition. I so wanted to flip him off....but sadly I think blunt skull had the weight advantage over me. Any way after I got off the main road and out of the way of any drag racing teen scum, things kind of calmed down. I went through my usual flat section, grinded out the up hills, let my mind wander a bit, first was to the fact that I might need new trainers, to my whole relationship or lack thereof situation, to my past failures and how immature high school girls really could be, to man I never really respected my track coach in high school, but he sure makes alot of sense now, to the fact of damn it I just want to do well at eagleman. I didn't pay attention to my watch, just the road. I ground up Beach Road, some teenie bopper, then some soccer mom honked because apparently half way into some one's lawn just isn't far enough to the shoulder...damn I hate New England drivers....I eventually got back home total time 1:06:08.

I went down to my room swapped a load of laundry, switched my away message, and grabbed my swim crap. Went to the Waterbury Y and got in about 3500 yards, a little shorter than I wanted but my shins were feeling the pressure from the run plus the flip turns. the main set was one from the only HEAT swim I made this season 10x200 on 3:00 work the odds to max speed, evens steady pace. My fastest was on 2:30 but I haven't been in the water since Monday, also my high carb/low exercise life style was taking its toll. I could barely see my ribs when I took my shirt's definitely time to get back into week Chrissy's off so I have workout time open in the AM before work. whether I'll utilize it remains to be seen. I also need to start lifting and doing more core..I keep saying it but I just don't follow through, but I think it will help, if nothing else maybe I'll actually get cut an not be afraid to take my shirt off when I mow my lawn, or am walking around post race this summer.
So that was today...also check out Speed Racer's page as she christened her new Specialized piece of speedass the link to the bike pjorn is here. I am so proud..tear..sniff..Claire you picked a winner! Now you just need to write Team Quick Step and/ or Lotto and you might have a tour slot....

Well that was today....

1 comment:

Speed Racer said...

I hope you got your head cleared out. Sometimes you just need to blow people off and run. It sounds like in between near-death experiences you got your head cleared out a bit.

Thanks for the publicity! Now let's hope this bike carries me 50 mph this summer. It SHOULD for the amount I paid for it :)