Monday, January 28, 2008

De plague plague de plague

Sadly no training to talk about from this weekend. Saturday was spent gathering books, taking and picking up my little sister to/from Oxford ( the Connecticut town with 15 people and 500 cows not the world's most prestigeous university.), and succumbing to a rather violent stomach virus. Sunday was spent recovering from said stomach virus, so pretty much I was lying in bed all day watching my dvd collection, cursing the germ that had plagued me the night before and took away valuable hours of training. Don't you just love those 24 hour bugs. so I really don't have a lot to talk about, I'll hit the pool tonight after class. Maybe get on the trainer for an hour, but I don't want to over do it. So yes this is my weekend recap:

Sold some old silver coins I had for book and gas $.
Bought 3 book$
Hauled Chrissy to and from Oxford
my stomach entered Normann Stadler / Faris Al-Sultan mode.
Ironman Dvd, Monty Python, and Steve Mc Queen in that order
Stomach entered a more tolerable working mode.

like I said not much to recap.

On the Rebound.

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